The Grand Lodge

The Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge is a traditional, adogmatic and apolitical obedience which headquarters are located in Valletta, capital of the country of Malta, which earned it its nickname of "Grand Lodge of the Sun"..


A traditional obedience

Spirituality, philosophy and symbolism are at the heart of the Masonic approach offered by the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. It is an obedience which, in accordance with Masonic traditions, works to the Glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, freedom being left to everyone to interpret it in their own way. Likewise in each of our lodges are the square, the compass and the volume of the sacred law.

An adogmatic and apolitical obedience

Our obedience encourages the expression of different points of view during the debates that take place in the lodge. Topical subjects are allowed, however the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge prohibits any discussion related to religion and politics; it thinks it’s private and shouldn’t be debated. Similarly, not wishing to interfere in any political and media controversies, also thinking that the men and women who compose it are responsible beings, it refrains from taking a position or giving instructions relating to these subjects. To sum up, everyone is free to believe in what they want and to vote what they want.

Our organization

Our values

Becoming Freemason


Our history

Our rite

Our organization

In accordance with the rules of universal Freemasonry, our obedience is directed by a Grand Master and his college of Grand Officers who form the Federal Council. The Obedience aims to provide logistical and material support to the Lodges of its jurisdiction. The initiatory structures are the Lodges which transmit the Masonic initiation. The Convent is the legislative body of the obedience which brings together the Worshipful Masters of the different Lodges.

Becoming Freemason at the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge

Any Man or Woman wishing to become a Freemason can choose to join the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. However, several conditions are necessary, namely:

  • You must be sponsored by a member with the degree of Master in the Lodge or, failing that, by a member with the degree of Master in a Lodge of the obedience.
  •  You must be at least 18 and no more than 60.
  • You must not have been criminally convicted.

If you meet the 3 criteria, you will be asked to write a cover letter, a CV and to provide us with 2 identity photos as well as an extract from your criminal record. You will entrust everything to your sponsor and you will let yourself be guided by his advice.

Procedure can last one year.

Our history

Our obedience was born from a group of Brothers belonging mainly to a well known obedience which particularity is to be masculine and multi-rite. These Brothers used to travel in different orients, visiting male, female and mixed obediences and were sorry not to be able to return the favor to the Sisters of the various visited lodges. Also, they asked permission to welcome Visiting Sisters on a more regular basis than they were accustomed to. The Deputy Grand Master in charge of the province refused them this request. Also, they decided to leave their obedience.

Other masons and masons from other well known grand lodges joined this original group; they created lodges and from their federation in February 2019 was born the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge.

These were the lodges:

  • Matfre Ermengau
  • Myrddin
  • John Scott Eriugena

At the same time, several members of these lodges and founders of the obedience wished to work on an craft rite, closer to European traditions; this is how they chose to work in the Modern Rite of Scotland, a generous, combining modernity and tradition rite.

Our values

We believe that Masonic initiation should allow humanity to progress as a whole, both in its spiritual and material aspects. We believe that any individual who progresses individually makes others progress. Saint Augustine wrote “you must shine in you what you wish to ignite in others”, this is the principle of Masonic initiation into the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge.

Likewise, as a young Masonic obedience, we believe that debates concerning convictions and beliefs are not unifying, which is why debates concerning religion and politics are prohibited in our workshops.

Finally, we are part of a full and complete free thought; we believe that our members are aware of their place within the City. We refrain from judging their ideas. Through Freedom, we access the Truth, such is the translation of our rite’s motto.


The term co-education means “educating together”. Masonic education is open to Men and Women who thus become Brothers and Sisters, members of the Lodges of the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. This co-education seems necessary to us in a constantly and rapidly changing world, where obscurantism is progressing significantly. Education, openness to Culture, to Knowledge and to others seem to us to be the best weapons. This is why spiritual progression within our Lodges is open to all goodwill men and women.

Our Rite

Each Lodge works through a Masonic rite. All the Lodges of the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge work at the Modern Rite of Scotland, also called “Modern Scot”. It is a syncretic, modern rite, which appeals to the legendary European background. It is a rite which, to sum up, makes the link between Masonic traditions from the Middle East and European traditions.

It has been developed over several years and was adopted by the obedience when it was created in February 2019.

“Consciousness is greatly enriched by the hermeneutical effort made to decipher the meaning of myths, symbols and other traditional religious structures.”

– Mircéa Eliade (The nostalgia of the origins)


Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have lodges in France?

Yes, as a Franco-Maltese obedience we have lodges in France and soon in Malta.

If I am an atheist, can I be a Mason at the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge?

No. Our obedience asks its members to believe in at least one ideal. An atheist who is convinced of a negation of all spirituality will not feel in his place at the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. If so, we would suggest that he is joining another obedience.

Why do you use a specific rite?

The Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge works at the Modern Rite of Scotland. It is the only one to use it and it has its origins in the Standard Rite of Scotland as well as to a lesser extent in the Rectified Scottish Rite. It is a colorful rite, accessible to all, which draws on the legendary European background.

Another new obedience?

Yes, for 4 reasons that seem important to us:

  1. This is the first obedience initiating the Sisters on Maltese soil.
  2. It is the first obedience working in the Modern Rite of Scotland.
  3. It is a co-educated obedience, which respects the Masonic tradition and which is also apolitical and adogmatic.
  4. The share of dues that goes to the obedience is very modest; we think that we must manage with great respect and attention the levies of our members and that they are not intended to maintain the lifestyle of the Grand Officers.


I belong to another obedience, can I come and visit you?

If you are a Brother or a Sister of an obedience in friendship with the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge, you will naturally be received. If your obedience does not have any treaty of recognition with us, you are welcome subject to reciprocity with your lodge. We invite you to contact your Secretariat or Chancellery.

And if reciprocity is not possible, can I still come and visit you?

Freemasonry is an initiatory order which imposes respect for rules and duties. Fraternity is an imperative duty for us. However, we consider that it must be reciprocal. We gladly welcome lodges that can also welcome us. If you really want to come, we will therefore not leave you outside of our temple.

How high are the dues?

The Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge thinks that selection by money is contrary to Masonic moral and initiatory values. Also, the part of the dues that goes to the obedience is less than 50 euros. We believe that every euro collected should be properly used. Grand Officers who travel for obedience have very strict instructions on this matter.

Are you a cult?

A cult is an organization that is very easy to get into and very difficult to get out of. The Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge defines itself as its exact opposite; it is difficult to get in and it is very easy to get out. Add to this that our members have their own complete freedom of thought.

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