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How to become a member of the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge? How to join the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge if you are already a mason or if you are already constituted as a lodge?
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You are not already a mason.

You must be sponsored. It is a necessary condition to be a member of the Modern Rite of Scotland at the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. We strongly insist on the role of the sponsor; it is the person who has the degree of Master Mason who must accompany and guide you in your Masonic journey until at least the Master Mason degree.

If you do not know anyone in your neighborhood who is a member of our rite, we invite you to write to us using our contact form so that we can see if a lodge of our obedience exists near the place where you reside; in which case we will contact you.

You are a Mason.

We prefer that you get in touch with a lodge near your home in order to be affiliated with it. You will first have to be assiduous in the lodge meetings and then you will have to fill out a file in which several documents will be requested from you.

No affiliation to our obedience can take place without the file being complete.

Affiliation gives rise to a specific ceremony called “caledonization”.

You are a Lodge.

Your lodge can be perfectly integrated within the lodges of the Franco-Maltese Grand Lodge. You must have at least 7 members including at least 3 Master Masons , at least 2 with the Fellow Craft degree and 2 with at least the Entered Apprentice degree (In example 5 Master Masons and 2 Entered Apprentices, or 6 Master Masons and 1 Fellow Craft, etc.. .)

In which case a petition is made by the members of the Lodge to join our obedience. An affiliation file is sent to each member and must be returned complete for each member of the Lodge.

The petition is examined by our Federal Council, which issues an opinion. The Clan to which the Lodge will belong is also consulted.

A consecration ceremony is then scheduled.


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